

Brands advertising

Let's talk about the difference between our brands' advertisements.
How do they manage to differenciate from their main competitors, since each one plays a lot on their visual?


Lu bases its campaign mainly on the natural, healthy and intergenerational side. Its slogan "Ouvrons le champ des possibles" is the reflect of this strategy. Their goal is to prove to desabused people that their products can bring them the energy they need to move ahead.




     The brand Bonne Maman clearly plays on the nostalgy, always using the same elements. First, the scene always take place in a country house, opened to a beautiful garden. Then, kitchen utensils are generally present, symbol of the authentic and home-made known-how, as welle as fresh fruits that evoke the good quality  of the products used in recipes. Moreover, we can notice the children presence, who are playing and laughing to make the consumer remind his/her happy childhood. Finally, the slogan that evokes the nostalgia, the tradition, the transgenerational affection and a happy childhood: “Bonne Maman, c’est toi que j’aime tant”, “Le doux parfum d’antan”.
    To talk about United Biscuits, let's study the BN brand. Through their advertising, the brand clearly wants to transmit a message of sympathy, of naivety, but also on the childish and funny side, using brightly colors and a typology that reminds a child one. Moreover, we noticed that showing the biscuit inside provides an healthy feeling.

To conclude, we clearly notice a different targeting between the three biscuits protagonist through their advertisments. LU wants to attract resonsible customers, higlighting the natural side of their production. 
Bonne Maman responds to nostalgic consumers' needs, reminding them the good taste of sentimental products.

BN's goal is tp approach mothers, seducting their children whith young, funny and fashionnable campains.

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