

Playful websites for children

Brands adapt their strategy to the evolution of technologies and the societal trends. That's why we can see the development of websites fully dedicated to children. (LU)

Before, brands created their website to present the company, their products, their values and their commitments. The aim of these interface was mainly informative. But with the democratization of the Internet and the development of e-business, consumers expect more information, more commitment from brands and closer relationships with companies.

These trends lead to the increasing number of companies subscribed on social networks on a first hand, and the development of playful websites on another hand. Two online strategies for two different segments of consumers: grown-ups and children, but the same goal: enhance the loyalty of brands/products customers. (United Biscuits)

These websites both satisfy parents and children: parents are happy to find a secure website for their children among the jungle of references and the risks of unadapted contents, and children can freely play to funny games. 

Thanks to these platforms, children get attached to their favorite character and are more kind to ask their parents to buy the product. The strategy marketing works and the loyalty goal is reached! (Bonne Maman)

And you, do your children have favorite websites to play?

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