

The competition begins to look harsh!

Finding this market attractive, more and more firms decided to launch into it. That was first the case of United Biscuits, created in 1948 by two Scottish family businesses, McVitie & Price and MacFarlane Lan for the Britannic market.

Thanks to a strong development, from 1960 the firm decided to widen its brands portfolio. In 1990, it bought Verkade, the Dutch biscuit market leader. In 1997, it owned la Biscuiterie Nantaise, itself set down in the French and Deutch market. The year 1998 celebrated the acquisition of Delacre. Nowadays, the Britannic company is the leader of its market in Great Britain, and owns the second place in our French market.

As for Bonne Maman, created in 1971 by the Andros family and more specifically by Jean Gervoson, it launched its biscuits’ range in 1997, extending continuously its products until becoming the third main actor in the biscuits French market.;

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