

Brands and social networks

Facing the TV advertising decline, brands can find complement to communicate on their products. That is why they more and more often turn to a channel less expansive, but nevertheless efficient: Internet .

We saw before that LU, BN and Bonne Maman developed their websites (both institutional and dedicated to children) to be more attractive online. But what for social networks? 

As regards Twitter, none of our 3 favorite brands use it for the moment. This social network is still in its beginning in France and not well spread. Concerning Facebook, the social network benefits from approximately one billion active users that makes it the website the most visited in the world. So you realize the importance of being present and active on it! But curiously, Bonne Maman, BN and Petit Ecolier don't have the same strategy about social networks presence. Let's analyze it !

First, we can observe that only Lu has an official page on Facebook and counts more than 12,000 "Like" mentions.

LU also created a Facebook page for one of its brand: VĂ©ritable Petit Ecolier, but less known since its gathers only 639 "Like".

When you look for BN on Facebook, you will find a page that counts almost 150,000 "Like" worldwide! But it is not an official page, probably a fan one. With this big enthousiasme around the brand, we would recommend to BN to create its official page! There is a BN community who is looking for more information about the products and, more important, is proud of saying it on Facebook. But isn't it too late? Can the brand retrieve these 150,000 fans?

Finally, the brand the less present on Facebook is Bonne Maman. There is only a fake page that gathers 1,500 Facebook users. When you look at it, it is not very surprising. Does Facebook correspond to Bonne Maman's values about tradition and nostalgia? It's not sure. Nevertheless, being a traditional brand on Facebook is probably less damaging for the image than a fake account that misleads consumers and convey false information.

The goal with a Facebook page is to make the brand known, but, above all, to hear ourselves speak about products the brand sells. It is a channel easy to reach for most of consumers (more than 80% of French people use it), who see through it a new way to inform about a brand, a product, and especially through a more ludic and dynamic manner.

On the brand side, it allows to keep the consumer up to date with the actuality of the brand. The objective is to make the product more visible, trying to establish a close relationship and so to improve the notoriety: if an internet user likes the page, all his/her friends would see it and it will maybe catch their attention and lead them to consult the page too.

That is why it is really important to build a strategy even in a social network!

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