

Brands duration

Some marketing technics are looking for knowing if brands have a constant capacity of communication in order to evaluate it. It means to study if there is no failure in the message or in the tone.

What about our three brands duration?


Lu, with its biscuit Petit Ecolier, has always kept the same communication strategy. To make it known by the largest number, Lu decided, from the launching of the biscuit, to use essentially TV spots to communicate. Following its slogan "Ce n'est que pour les enfants", their spots has always staged bands of children facing adults ready for anything to taste a crumb of this delice. The watchwords which have always been conveyed are impertinence, pleasure, entertainment, joke ...
By the way, we can't notice any failure in the message or in the tone since 1983, its creation year.

That is not the same for the BN biscuit, launched by United Biscuits in 1997. This change can be explained by their change in target audience. At this beginning, the brand really highlighted its first target, children, in its ad, making them the ambassador of the biscuit (have a look at the video behind dated from 1980).


But in 1997, victim of its old-fashioned image and the development of its competitors, BN lost more and more market shares. To react, a change concerning the product but also the communication was decided. Then, the target was no longer children but their parents who decide to buy: they needed to seduce them.
This break is visible through the three advertising realised by the trendy agency Fred & Farid. Here, Docteur BN tach us about the product benefits, using humor and sarcasm, approaching relevant topics like global warming or unemployment. It gives to the brand a modern and dynamic image, but as a consumer, the risk is that we don't understand this gap... For me, it is the case: the new advertisings are funny, but I think it is a shame to have to use serious subjects to sell children biscuits. And you, what do you think about it? 


Bonne Maman, like LU, has always kept the same strategy of communication, without any failure in their messages. Since the beginning, the brand stages adults who, by eating a Bonne Maman biscuit, remain their tender childhood. The brand clearly plays on the nostalgia: the aim is to convince the consumer that, by buying its product, he will savor the authentic taste of homemade products. Let's have a look at this two videos... Even if the first one is not about biscuit (only launched in 1997), the constant communciation is very clear, and a lot of similar elements appear!


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