

Brands presence

For the second year, LU has been elected number one of the favorite brands by French consumers in 2012. The study has been led by Le Jury des Grandes Marques, an independent organization that distinguishes each year the most prestigious brands in France.

Source: Toluna, 2012

The result of the study shows that French people still like brands and especially those, which offer sweet products. Sugar provides pleasure and it is natural that consumers prefer brands that answer their greed needs. But not all brands are equal. Let's have a look at the results of our 3 brands :


9 people out of ten claim that they like Lu, that is to say, 88% of surveyed people answered "I like" when they saw the Lu logo. The brand also benefits from a very good awareness in France. Thus, 99% of people know the brand (aided awareness).


As regards the brand BN, 88% of French people know the United Biscuits' brand but only 70% of them say that they like it. It is interesting to also observe that BN is more appreciated by lower social categories than upper ones. The main reason is more likely to be the price of BN biscuits that correspond to the mass strategy of BN.

Bonne Maman

The brand Bonne Maman also benefits from a good awareness in France (94%) and almost 8 people out of 10 like the brand (78%). The results of the survey also show that Bonne Maman is one of the favorite brands of women. That's right, women are more sensitive to the nostalgia feeling and to the traditional values that the brand conveys. 

Methodology : 
  • representative sample of 5,000 people over 15 years old. 
  • 1060 brands presented
  • 2 periods: Nov/Dec 2010 and Sept. 2012
  • 1 question per brand : I like /I dislike /Neither one nor the other /I don't know well or I don't know at all

Thanks to Charles Lepeu for providing the results of the survey.

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