

Brands protection

When you visit the website of a brand, you have probably noticed the section "Legal notices" at the bottom of the page. It seems to be trivial due to the small font, but it is essential for the brand ! Indeed, in this section, the brand specifies its rights as regards intelectual property (among other topics).

This claim warns the visitor that the brand is a registered trademark and consequently, owns all the elements used on the website: name, logo, design, colors, font, characters, etc. Intelectual property specifications have also the aim to warn the offender that he/she runs the risk of being sued for illegal use or copy.

You may think that it's a bit strict but this mention is essential for the brand. The main key factor of success and also the reason to be for a brand is to be easily recognizable among its competitors. Apart from being a competitive advantage, intelectual property is also a signal of quality and trust. When we can use freely a logo or a design, we are likely to think that it's not the result of a hard-work and is not serious enough to be legally recognized. Moreover, a patent filed provides financial returns for the brand in case of eventual law breaking by individuals or groups.

So next time you visit a website, be careful and don't copy ! :)

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