

Brands Commitments

Nowadays, we can see an increase of nostalgic consumers due to a new consumption behavior. Indeed, they are more and more preoccupied by what they eat. Mentalities are changing and moving. Which are the reasons explaining this phenomenon?
Products are always fattier, saltier or sweeter or the three in the same time in order to match a large range of consumers with new industry products which provoke obesity, heart diseases, diabetes. People are aware of those issues and realize food could be dangerous and sometimes fatal. It’s easy to see appearing this phenomenon through foods crisis like the chicken flue or Creutzfeld-Jakob diseases, consumers become suspicious and start not buying anything.

Other reasons explain this skepticism.

First, products are not good identified, it is hard to know where they come from, when they are made, by whom? Traceability exist for any products but not all. 
Second, a food wealth, customers have a large choice of products and in huge quantities with different prices, different qualities but for the same sort of product. Is like the customer is lost in a wealthy sea where food products emerge. So it’s very hard to people finding the good product, the one they looking for, the one they can trust into. 
Third, customers are harassed by many contradictory messages carried by food processing industry praising how good and healthy are their products, they could help decrease cholesterol or reinforce natural defenses and months later customers hear by specialists all the characteristics are not true and bring nothing else than other problems. (Danone Actimel issue). 
And then, all those difficulties are amplified by medias through newspaper, radio, television in exaggerating facts and frightened consumers in a way to selling papers or hear about them and make buzz. 
Actually, consumers don’t know who they could trust into. They are more anxious, suspicious and uncomfortable with food processing industry who worried them. That's why food industry companies decide to deal with it in sharing to people their commitment. Indeed companies become more "Green" and try to drive a reassuring message in order to make people confident in their products. So, we are going to highlight how our 3 brands are doing it: et

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